


Software Engineering
Shanghai, China
Posted on Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Researcher, APAC

A universe of opportunities. Open to you.

Payoneer’s mission is to empower anyone, anywhere to participate and succeed in the global economy. If our mission connects with your values, if you revel in solving complex challenges, and if you want to continuously advance your career, come realize your potential at Payoneer!

Life at Payoneer is a global community, where you’ll work with colleagues all over the world, in a hybrid or remote work frame. As an equal opportunity employer, the only things that matter to us are your skills, your drive and your desire to have a positive impact on others.

Our team at Payoneer is looking for a Researcher to join our Product Research Team. You will help shape Research at Payoneer by partnering closely with business leaders, product managers, designers, engineers and product marketers to conduct exploratory, formative and evaluative research studies that enable stakeholders to make more informed, confident decisions. In this role, you’ll be expected to plan, lead, and socialize high profile research projects. You can take the lead but are also collaborative. You are self-motivated, detail-oriented, and able to work efficiently and effectively with cross-functional teams. You can perform and improvise under tight timelines and changing environments. You are an advocate for our customers and are excited to work with teams to connect them to our customers' needs and take action on insights.


Shanghai, Shenzhen or Guangzhou, China

What you’ll be spending your time on:

• Act in a consultative and advisory role to various levels and functions within the design and product teams to identify research topics and plan research initiatives

• Manage projects end to end: develop guides and screeners, moderate, analyze, synthesize and deliver results

• Conduct research using a wide variety of qualitative and quantitative methods

• Communicate results and illustrate suggestions in compelling and creative ways; tailor findings to suit the audience, varying levels of detail and complexity as appropriate/required

• Package insights into tools and assets for designers, product managers and product marketing managers to leverage (personas, design principles, scenarios, etc.)

• Support project team members in transforming findings and insights into solutions, in order to inform both user and business problems and deliver measurable outcomes

• Create artifacts, educational tools, experiences and processes that help build and evangelize User Research within the larger organization

Is this you?

The Payoneers are:

Accountable | Adaptable | Collaborative | Communicative | Fast Learners | Independent | Motivated | Problem Solvers | Resilient | Technically Proficient

For this role, you have:

  • Ideally 5+ years experience in applied product and/or design research
  • Ability to manage and prioritize multiple projects
  • Command of a broad set of quantitative, qualitative and user-centered methods
  • Understanding of quantitative, behavioral analysis and statistical concepts
  • Excellent communication skills, with strong ability to synthesize and communicate ideas visually, verbally, and in writing
  • Experience creating research deliverables (frameworks, videos, toplines, etc.)
  • Experience with Qualtrics, UserZoom, SPSS, R, SQL and other analytical tools is helpful
  • A degree in Design, HCI, Psychology, Cognitive Science, Anthropology, or a related field is considered an advantage.

Who we are:

Payoneer (NASDAQ: PAYO) is the world’s go-to partner for digital commerce, everywhere. From borderless payments to boundless growth, Payoneer promises any business, in any market, the technology, connections and confidence to participate and flourish in the new global economy. Powering growth for customers ranging from aspiring entrepreneurs in emerging markets to the world’s leading brands, Payoneer offers a universe of opportunities, open to you.